
Witcher 3 special attacks
Witcher 3 special attacks

  • Rank 3 - Increases Fast attack critical hit chance by 6% and critical hit damage by 45%. Adrenaline point gain +3%.
  • Rank 2 - Increases Fast attack critical hit chance by 4% and critical hit damage by 30%.
  • Rank 1 - Increases Fast attack critical hit chance by 2% and critical hit damage by 15%.
  • Precise Blows - Increases Fast attack critical hit chance and damage

    witcher 3 special attacks

    Rank 5 - Increases Fast attack damage by 25%.Rank 4 - Increases Fast attack damage by 20%.Rank 3 - Increases Fast attack damage by 15%.Rank 2 - Increases Fast attack damage by 10%.Rank 1 - Increases Fast attack damage by 5%.Muscle Memory - Increases Fast attack damage Tips and Fast Attack Focused Archetype - What to look for overall when focusing on Fast attacks in combat.Battle Trance - Skills using adrenaline points.Marksmanship - Skills using your crossbow.Defense - Skills using the Wolf School techniques.

    witcher 3 special attacks

    Strong Attack - Skills using your strong melee attacks that ignore armor.Fast Attack - Skills using your fast melee attacks.This guide will cover everything about the combat skill tree including: Check out the guides on the Alchemy and Signs skill trees, or the Beginner's guide for more tips. I'll help you by explaining all the skills and ranks available in the combat skill tree as well as some tips on picking the right ones.

    Witcher 3 special attacks