
Counter strike source or global offensive
Counter strike source or global offensive

Go find a group of trustworthy people to play 10mans with or pick from the plethora of premium third-party matchmaking services that exist.

counter strike source or global offensive counter strike source or global offensive counter strike source or global offensive

The hacker and smurf points are just moot. You conveniently failed to acknowledge that CSGO servers can be as high as 128-tick when 100-tick was the max for CSS.Į. It's not fair to list 64-tick MM as a con for CSGO when it's a feature that Source doesn't even offer. Even if Source has fewer bugs, the bugs it does have are way more gamebreaking ( example)ĭ. On top of that, the Source P90 is ridiculous, and the AWP is just a complete joke.Ĭ. You cite CSGO as having unbalanced pistols - have you even played Source? The pistols are way stronger in Source, namely the dualies and of course the famous Source deagle. CSS has more unbalanced weapons than CSGO. CSGO, in it's current state, is truer to 1.6 than CSS is thanks primarily to having less peeker's advantage and taggingī. I disagree with you on a number of points:Ī. Updates are non-existent (the game never changes but at the same time is not ruined by faulty development choices)įor what its worth, I have been playing CS since 2003 and have 3k hours in CS:GO and 2k hours in CS:S Pornographic Sprays (this might not be a negative) Able to save a buy loadout from the buy menu without having to set up buy binds. Unofficial modded servers that include hundreds of different game modes Sprays are free (make any picture your spray) Skins are free (Download any skins you want, including CSGO's skins) More True to 1.6 (When TurtleRock went out to create CS:S their goal was to essential port 1.6 over to the new source engine at the time) 64 Tick Matchmaking (this is problematic when it comes to competitive matches which is what MM is supposed to be about) (Valve has mega ban waves every now and then which helps but then puts the game on sale so hackers and smurfs stock up on throw away accounts) Hackers and Smurfs run amuck in almost every MatchMaking Game Five Year Old Bugs that are still in the game today. Gun balance is abysmal (especially pistols) Better graphics than CS:S (not by much seeing CSGO is running on a modified source engine) For simplicity's sake I'll break down each game into a pros and cons list for you. I could write a small book on the problems that CSGO has, from ridiculous pistols to an extremely toxic community. EDIT: I expect this will get plenty of down votes.Ĭontrary to popular belief and opinion, CSS is actually the better Counter-Strike.ĬSGO is ripe with hackers, smurfs, and paid sprays.

Counter strike source or global offensive